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Clarification on CalPERS premium update
Valued stakeholders – on Wednesday (8/17), we sent out a note letting you know that CalPERS would be mailing letters to members who would be seeing significant increases in their health care premiums. Those letters were mailed in waves and the...
Important Update from CalPERS: Health plan costs are increasing in 2023!
CalPERS will be sending letters to approximately 237,000 PPO and HMO members alerting them that their current health plan cost will increase by more than 9% in 2023. We are taking this proactive step to make sure they have this information and...
CalPERS Announces 2023 Health Rates
Today the CalPERS Board voted to approve the final proposed health premiums for the 2023 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) and Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans. The new premiums will be implemented on January 1, 2023. Open enrollment is...
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