At Lobby Day, the goal is for you to unite with other CSR members and educate your legislators about the issues that affect your careers. We want to convey to lawmakers, the media, and the general public that our pension and health benefits should remain protected!
At the Training/Dinner, you will be informed about the process of Lobby Day and we will guide you on what messages to stress when speaking to the legislators. There will also be a presentation by a guest speaker.
On Lobby Day, march with your members into the Capitol Building to talk with your legislators and discuss important issues. Lunch will be provided. Stand up with fellow CSR members and let your voices be heard! Together, we can make a difference. Join us!
Lobby Day FAQ's
How will we get to the Capitol?
CSR will provide transportation between the hotel and Capitol.
How do I get to/from the airport?
Members are responsible for obtaining their own transportation upon arrival to Sacramento (from airport to hotel). Uber, Lyft and Taxi services are available.
Who pays for my travel/hotel/food?
CSR will provide dinner for registered attendees on Lobby Day Training, as well as lunch on Lobby Day. CSR master bills a block of hotel rooms for those members who register prior to the designated cut-off date and indicate that they need a hotel room. We will also reimburse other applicable costs (e.g., mileage, airfare, other meals, etc.) for registered members.
How do I get reimbursed?
Reimbursement forms will be available at Lobby Day.
What do I wear?
All members attending Lobby Day will receive official shirts.
What do I say?
Official talking points will be provided at the training.
Why aren't we lobbying for ________?
In order to focus our energy on making real gains with our legislators on Lobby Day, we are only able to focus on a few issues. We may have 3-5 minutes to speak with a legislator, and we need to make that time count. Issues are selected based on member surveys, political climate, and many other factors. Remember: We can fight for other issues at district office visits, too.
Can my spouse come? (Or friends, or additional family members, or additional co-workers?)
No. Only invited CSR members are allowed to attend. CSR works diligently with our legislative liaisons to carefully coordinate time slots and meeting capacities with legislators. In addition, food counts have been submitted well in advance of the event and are tallied for the attending member only.
I registered but I have not received a confirmation letter or any other materials for this event.
We mail Lobby Day materials to your address provided. If you have not received any of these types of confirmations or mailings, please contact CSR headquarters immediately and we will check to see if your registration processed properly.
Something came up and I need to cancel. What do I do?
Contact CSR headquarters immediately. Call (888) 808-7197 or email:
Have another question? Send it to