Mail Ballot Election Results

Posted 11 years 21 days ago ago by   

CSR Delegates determined, via a mail ballot, whether or not to change CSR Bylaws, Article IX, Section 5(A) reducing the delegate ratio from 1 delegate per 100 active chapter members to 1 delegate per 200 active members. The proposal further specified that no chapter shall have fewer than three delegates.

On Tuesday, June 25, 2013, ballots were counted at CSEA Headquarters in Sacramento by outside contract persons. The 2/3 quorum requirement of 200 was greatly exceeded with 278 acceptable ballots received and 12 of those ballots being declared invalid. One ballot received was not acceptable as the outside green envelope was not signed.

Results from the ballot vote reveal the proposed resolution is affirmed and adopted as 2/3 of the ballots mailed were returned in the affirmative.  The vote counting was overseen by the CSR Executive Vice President, Fritz Walgenbach. There was one observer in attendance, board member Jerry Evans.  Also in attendance were staff members, Phil Sherwood, Corinne Wattenburger, and Trinda Lundholm.  Judi Walgenbach was also an observer. Below is a detailed breakdown of the election results. Results of the vote are: 205 voted yes, 61 voted no and 12 invalid ballots. The proposition passed with 73.7% in the affirmative.

Should any member wish to file an election protest, the protest must be in writing stating the irregularity and procedure(s) violated; addressed to the Board of Directors or President; and received in CSR Corporate office, 1108 O Street, Suite 300, Sacramento, CA  95814 by 5 p.m., July 10, 2013.

Please note, invalid ballots were received as instructions were not followed with regards to the small white envelope marked “Ballot Envelope”. Instructions on the envelope state “Ballot void if this envelope is not sealed”. Unfortunately, several ballot envelopes were not sealed. Further, there were a few ballot cards received that were not placed in ballot envelopes. In each of these cases, the ballots were declared invalid.

Date:  6/25/2013
Time:  Start 10:00 a.m; End 11:50 a.m.
Chapter Number of Eligible Delegates Number of Ballots Returned Voted YES Voted NO Invalid Ballots Reason Ballot Invalid
Chapter 1 15 14 8 6    
Chapter 2 60 56 48 8    
Chapter 3 8 6 5 1    
Chapter 4 11 7 4 2 1 Not in Ballot Envelope
Chapter 5 8 8 6 1 1 Unsealed Ballot Envelope
Chapter 6 22 22 12 10    
Chapter 8 4 3 3 0    
Chapter 9 12 11 5 5 1 Unsealed Ballot Envelope
Chapter 10 10 6 1 4 1 Unsealed Ballot Envelope
Chapter 11 10 10 8 1 1 Unsealed Ballot Envelope
Chapter 12 6 6 6 0    
Chapter 13 5 4 2 0 2 Unsealed Ballot Envelope
Chapter 14 7 7 7 0    
Chapter 15 11 11 10 1    
Chapter 16 9 8 3 3 2 No Ballot in Envelope & Unsealed Ballot Envelope
Chapter 17 8 8 5 3    
Chapter 19 2 2 2 0    
Chapter 20 5 5 3 2    
Chapter 21 16 16 14 1 1 Not in Ballot Envelope
Chapter 23 7 7 6 1    
Chapter 26 3 3 3 0    
Chapter 31 6 6 4 2    
Chapter 34 10 10 3 7    
Chapter 35 8 8 7 1    
Chapter 36 4 4 2 0 2 Unsealed Ballot Envelopes
Chapter 165 31 30 28 2    
TOTAL 298 278 205 61 12