Update from CalPERS

Posted 4 years 162 days ago ago by Jamee Villa   

From: Don Moulds-Chief Health Director
Health Policy and Benefits BranchSubject: Health Policy and Benefits Branch News

I'm writing to share changes to the Health Policy and Benefits Branch (HPBB) structure and leadership. 
I'm pleased to announce the appointment of Kim Malm as Chief of the newly created Strategic Health Operations Division. Kim has been serving the health branch in important leadership roles for nearly a year, including as acting Chief of Health Policy Research and Interim Chief Health Director. Kim previously served as Chief of the Operations Support Services Division. 
The new Strategic Health Operations Division (SHOD) will oversee Health Branch Administration Support, Health Benefit Compliance & Appeals, and Long-Term Care as well as health-related board and stakeholder engagement, and other key operations functions. This new division joins Health Plan and Research Administration (HPRA) and Health Account Management (HAMD) as the three divisions of HPBB.
Dr. Julia Logan will be joining the health branch leadership team as Chief Medical Officer and Head of Clinical Policy. In this new role, she will be reporting directly to me. The goal of this change is to elevate the role clinical issues play in our branch-wide decisions and better position us to execute on key clinical initiatives critical to the health and well-being of our members.
Please join me in congratulating Kim and Julia in their new roles.