2020 Election Schedule - Districts A, B & C

Posted 4 years 253 days ago ago by Jamee Villa   

Attached and below is the Election Schedule for the 2020 District Director Election for Districts A, B & C. 

For each district, an election shall be conducted only if more than one eligible candidate has consented to serve. If only one eligible candidate has consented to serve, that candidate shall be certified to office. 

District A Representative – Chapters 4, 9, 20               

District B Representative –  Chapters 10, 26, 31, 36

District C Representative -  Chapters 1, 3, 21, 23


2020 District Director Election 
Election Schedule – Districts A, B & C


October 2019:  A blank candidate consent form will be printed in the CSR newspaper. 

November 15: Deadline for candidates to submit their Candidate Consent forms and their 200-word candidate statement. 

December 2: Deadline for corporate office to mail ballots. 


January 2: Deadline for return of ballots. 

January 10: Deadline for candidates to be notified of the election results. 

January 20: Election protest deadline. 

February 2020: Election results will be printed in the CSR newspaper. 


District A-elect, District B-elect & District C-elect shall be installed at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting following the election. 

2020 Election Schedule - Districts A, B & C (PDF)