CSR | Political Activity

California budget talks hit an impasse

Posted Jun 08, 2011 by   

Republican lawmakers are prepared to let voters decide whether to close California's stubborn budget deficit with higher taxes in exchange for major changes in state spending, public pensions and regulatory policies.

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The Outlook at Calpers Is Brightening, a Little

Posted May 19, 2011 by   

Wall Street Journal, May 19, 2011

The nation's biggest pension fund is on target to notch one of its strongest annual returns in the past 20 years, performance that is helping the fund regain its health and its confidence.

But state residents still are being stung by the California Public Employees' Retirement System's funding gap, showing the deep hole into which many pension funds have dug themselves.
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State contributions to CalPERS will fall in the coming year

Posted May 17, 2011 by   

The state's annual contribution to CalPERS will fall slightly in the upcoming fiscal year, the pension fund announced today.

CalPERS said the state's contribution in the new fiscal year will hit $3.51 billion. That compares with $3.68 billion in the current year. [Read More...]

Brown releases revised budget plan with $6.6-billion windfall

Posted May 17, 2011 by   

State revenue has rocketed to a projected $6.6 billion beyond expectations, a windfall that Gov. Jerry Brown wants to use to stabilize education spending and help repair California's battered finances.

In the revised budget plan that Brown released Monday, schools would receive about $3 billion that would otherwise have been deferred, aiding districts' ability to plan the academic year. The proposal also devotes some of the unanticipated money to business tax credits and to delaying a portion of the tax increases the governor had sought earlier this year. [Read More...]

Union members rally at Capitol to protest budget cuts

Posted May 16, 2011 by   

More than a thousand teachers, state workers and others fanned out across the south lawn of the Capitol on Friday to pressure Republican lawmakers to extend expiring taxes to avoid further budget cuts.

The event capped a week of demonstrations by the California Teachers Assn., whose members lobbied lawmakers, staged rallies and, on two occasions, got arrested for refusing to leave the Capitol after the building closed. On Friday, David Sanchez, the union’s president, said that his arrest -– and those of 25 others –- brought attention to the cause of public education.

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California public employees get more compensation, disputed report says

Posted May 06, 2011 by   

Battle lines sharpened Thursday over California's public pensions with the release of a new report that concludes pay and benefit packages for public workers are better than those for their counterparts in the private sector.

Commissioned by pension overhaul advocates poised to seek changes, the report drew immediate fire from public employee unions, which have muscled up to fight the emerging pension wars.

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Ohio sets stage for national union-rights fight

Posted May 03, 2011 by   

With Wisconsin convulsed by unrest over a bill to curb public employee unions, a similar measure is steaming toward passage in Ohio, a bigger labor stronghold with a vital role as a political battleground. [Read More...]

Supreme Court refuses to hear retroactive pension hike case

Posted Apr 19, 2011 by   

    In a victory for all public retirees, the California Supreme Court on April 13 refused to hear the County of Orange’s appeal seeking to reverse retroactive pension increases given to retired Orange County sheriffs’ deputies.
     The refusal to hear the case means the decision made earlier this year by the 2nd District Court of Appeal in Los Angeles stands. That court ruled the 2001 labor agreement retroactively giving Orange County deputies a 3 percent at age 50 formula for retirement is valid and does not violate the provisions of the California Constitution. [Read More...]

CalPERS officials to speak in Palm Desert May 6

Posted Apr 15, 2011 by   

All working and retired members of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) and their guests are invited to a question-and-answer session with three CalPERS officials in Palm Desert Friday, May 6. [Read More...]

CalPERS: The Job Machine

Posted Apr 13, 2011 by   

Republicans and pension busters have been whacking CalPERS like a pinata for the past year. But here's something they don't like to talk about: CalPERS is a huge job creator in California. And weakening it would be a major drag on the state's economy.

CalPERS has invested more than $17 billion in California-based companies, properties and projects, helping to generate nearly one million jobs throughout the State, the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Investment Committee was told on Monday.

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