CSR | Legislative Activity
Articles for category CalPERS

Pension changes could be dampening the economy

Posted May 13, 2015 by   

Some pension program changes, such as the shift to defined contribution plans from defined benefit plans, might be widening the income gap and dampening economic growth, said a new report from the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems.

There are conversations about income and equality, but few touch on the treatment of pensioners and how that contributes to income inequality, said Hank Kim, Washington-based, executive director and counsel at NCPERS and co-author of the report.

In the private sector, there has been a shift to DC plans from DB plans. Between 1975 and 2011, the number of private sector DB plans declined by 57% and the number of employees covered by DB plans declined 10%, NCPERS’ research found.

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CalPERS wins another bankruptcy ruling

Posted May 13, 2015 by   

Government pensions in California have withstood another fierce challenge in bankruptcy court.

A bankruptcy judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by two disgruntled bond creditors challenging the city of San Bernardino’s decision to make its pension payments in full to CalPERS.

Ruling from Riverside, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Meredith Jury tossed the claim filed by the two creditors, Ambac Assurance Corp. and a Luxembourg bank named EEPK.

Last fall the city, which filed for bankruptcy protection in 2012, said it would pay its $24 million-a-year CalPERS bill in full. Ambac and EEPK said that arrangement was unfair to other creditors. Although San Bernardino hasn’t filed its complete repayment plan, it’s likely that many creditors would stand to receive only a portion of what they’re owed.

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San Bernardino to slash retiree health care in bankruptcy plan

Posted May 12, 2015 by   

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The southern California city of San Bernardino has proposed virtually eliminating retiree health insurance costs under a bankruptcy exit plan it must produce by May 31, according to an attorney involved in negotiations with city officials.

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CSR Legislative Report

Posted May 06, 2015 by   

The following PDF is a list of Bills that CSR is supporting, opposing, or watching.

May 04, 2015 Legislative Report

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Long-term care reform package making its way through Legislature

Posted May 01, 2015 by   

Long-Term Care Reform Package Making Its Way Through Legislature

California legislators are considering a package of 24 bills this session collectively aimed at improving the state's support network for aging services and long-term care.

The bills -- 12 in the Assembly and 12 in the Senate -- deal with a variety of issues involving some of the 112 separate programs for aging and long-term care overseen by 20 different agencies and departments in the state and county governments.

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Senate overhauls doctors' Medicare payments

Posted Apr 15, 2015 by   

Medicare is poised to overhaul the way it pays physicians and create new systems to reward high-performing doctors under legislation approved by the Senate late Tuesday.

The unusually bipartisan bill, which passed the House easily last month, will immediately lift the threat of an automatic 21% cut in Medicare fees to physicians, which was set to take effect Wednesday.

The legislation also marks a milestone in the push to modernize Medicare, the nation’s mammoth federal insurance program for the elderly, and move it away from the traditional system of paying physicians for every procedure they perform.


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CSR Legislative Report

Posted Mar 27, 2015 by   

CSR Legislative Report for the 2015-16 Legislative Session

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CSR President Tim Behrens testifies against governor's proposal for a high-deductible health plan

Posted Mar 19, 2015 by   

California State Retirees President Tim Behrens testified at a joint informational hearing on March 18 that the governor's plan to introduce a high-deductible health plan for CalPERS members is "the wrong path to take in addressing high health care costs."

"Such plans shift costs to workers, discourage people from accessing needed health care and would divide [CalPERS] health plans into those for the young and those for the old," Behrens testified before the joint Informational hearinig of the Senate Public Employment and Retirement Committee and the Assembly Public Employees, Retirement and Social Security Committee.


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New ballot measure proposed to cut pensions

Posted Mar 11, 2015 by   

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A ballot measure campaign to cut California's public pensions will be launched in May by a coalition of politicians and business people led by former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed, with the state's largest retirement system a prime target.

The measure would take aim at California's $300 billion giant Calpers, which has a near-iron grip on the state's pensions. Calpers, America's largest public pension fund and administrator of pensions for more than 3,000 state and local agencies, has long argued that pensions cannot be touched or renegotiated, even in bankruptcy.

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Cyber attack affects more than 3 million California Anthem customers

Posted Mar 10, 2015 by   

Nearly three weeks after Anthem said it suffered a massive data breach, officials have an estimated tally for the number of Californians affected: 13.5 million residents.

That total includes current and former enrollees in Anthem Blue Cross, plus other California residents covered by other members of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association through out-of-state employers or similar arrangements, Anthem Blue Cross spokesman Darrel Ng said Tuesday.

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