News Archives

Calif. high court upholds Schwarzenegger furloughs

Posted Oct 12, 2010 by    categoryState Employees

The California Supreme Court's ruling Monday upholding Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's order to furlough state workers ends an 18-month budget distraction and puts more pressure on public employee unions to negotiate benefit rollbacks with the administration.

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The choice is clear – Brown for governor!

Posted Oct 11, 2010 by    categoryPolitics

The race for California governor will be very close, agree all of the election pollsters.

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An ugly, temporary answer to California's intractable budget problems

Posted Oct 11, 2010 by    categoryPolitics

It was another prolonged Sacramento production, full of bickering, posturing and inaction that led to the latest state budget in modern history and provided a convenient target for the gubernatorial candidates, who say things would be different if they were in charge.

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Seniors brace for 2nd year with no Social Security increase

Posted Oct 11, 2010 by    categoryRetirement

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) — Seniors prepared to cut back on everything from food to charitable donations to whiskey as word spread Monday that they will have to wait until at least 2012 to see their Social Security checks increase.

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Pension rollbacks part of proposed California budget

Posted Oct 08, 2010 by    categoryState Economy categoryPolitics categoryRetirement

State workers hired in mid-November and later will have to wait longer to get their pensions – and those pensions will be smaller – under terms of the budget bill lawmakers plan to vote on today.

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California Legislature heads toward passage of a budget

Posted Oct 08, 2010 by    categoryLegislation categoryPolitics

On the 99th night of the fiscal year, California lawmakers were still debating late Thursday whether to pass a budget, already the latest spending plan in state history.

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SEIU, Schwarzenegger agree to labor pact with pension concessions

Posted Oct 07, 2010 by    categoryLegislation categoryPolitics

The Schwarzenegger administration and Service Employees International Union Local 1000 have just announced a tentative labor agreement that includes higher employee contributions to their retirement plans and rolls back pension formulas for new hires to pre-1999 levels.

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