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Articles for category CalPERS

Kaiser, Anthem Blue Cross and Cigna get good report cards

Posted Oct 16, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryHealth Care

Kaiser Permanente's HMOs are the best in the state for providing recommended care, while Anthem Blue Cross and Cigna are the best at providing recommended care among PPOs, according to new report cards released by the California Office of the Patient Advocate, the Los Angeles Times reports (Terhune, Los Angeles Times, 10/16).

The report cards -- which usually go out in January -- were released early to coincide with the state health insurance exchange's second open enrollment period, which begins on Nov. 15 (Shinkman, Payers & Providers, 10/16).

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CalPERS board member stripped of leadership roles because of FPPC violations

Posted Oct 15, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryState Employees

CalPERS board member Priya Mathur was removed from board leadership positions today because of her latest campaign-finance disclosure infractions.

Mathur was removed as board vice president and chair of the Pension and Health Benefits Committee. The decision was announced by board President Rob Feckner. No replacement as board vice president was immediately named. George Diehr was named acting chair of the pension committee.

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Stockton bankruptcy case could hurt public workers

Posted Oct 10, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryRetirement

The investment house Franklin Templeton's effort to knock down the city of Stockton's proposal to emerge from bankruptcy portrays the case as one in which Franklin is defending itself against three big, faceless adversaries.

These are CalPERS, California's enormous public pension agency, and "the City and its organized labor allies." Franklin objects that they're angling to preserve their preferential position in the bankruptcy reorganization, while cramming down big losses on Franklin, which holds more than $36 million in city debt, of which some $32 million is unsecured. The city proposes to pay Franklin about 1 cent on the dollar for that unsecured portion.

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Are state workers resuming their rushing to retirement?

Posted Oct 10, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryRetirement

California’s eight-month streak of declining state-pension applications ended with a 24 percent jump in July, according to CalPERS data. August followed with a hefty 64 percent surge, the largest single-month percentage increase since July 2010. Retirement filings last month rose 23 percent compared with a year ago.

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CalPERS chief executive comments on Stockton bankruptcy case

Posted Oct 09, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryState Economy categoryRetirement

The ruling last week by a federal bankruptcy judge in Stockton’s bankruptcy case has caused many to speculate about the future of pensions. Public employees, retirees, employers, lawyers, taxpayers and journalists have legitimate questions and concerns (“Bankruptcy case should be a loud warning to cities,” Editorials, Oct. 3).

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Bankruptcy ruling may be moot

Posted Oct 09, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees

A federal bankruptcy judge's decision that Stockton could toss out its contract with CalPERS, the state's giant pension fund, may lead to deep cuts in workers' and retirees' pensions, even though the city didn't ask for any cuts at all. It also could lead other cities to use the bankruptcy process to rewrite employee pensions over their workers' objections.

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Theresa Taylor Named CalPERS Election Winner

Posted Oct 03, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryGeneral News

The election results indicate CSUEU-endorsed candidate Taylor received 55 percent of the valid votes cast during the voting period, which took place from August 29 through September 29. Unofficial election results also indicate that Mathur received 56 percent of the valid votes cast. More than 40,000 active state and public agency CalPERS members voted in the election.

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Former CSEA President Chuck Valdes dies under mysterious circumstances

Posted Sep 24, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryCSEA

Charles P. “Chuck” Valdes, who served three terms as president of the California State Employees Association (CSEA) and 20 years on the Board of Administration at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) Board of Administration, died Sept. 2. The man who lived with him is accused of battery, corporal injury to a spouse or cohabitant and elder abuse.

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CalPERS open enrollment runs Sept. 15 to Oct. 10

Posted Sep 23, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS

CalPERS health plan members will notice many new options available to them in the open enrollment package recently mailed by CalPERS.

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CalPERS Dependent Eligibility Verification deadline nears

Posted May 06, 2014 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryHealth Care categoryState Employees

About 40,000 CalPERS state retiree members were asked in December 2013 to verify whether their dependents are eligible to receive CalPERS health care benefits, but about 3,400 dependents remained unverified by May 1 even after several notifications, CalPERS reported May 6.

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