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Articles for category CalPERS

CSR urges CalPERS to extend open enrollment for Medicare members

Posted Oct 01, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryHealth Care categoryRetirement

The California State Retirees Health Benefits Committee is calling for CalPERS to extend open enrollment for retirees this year because changes in Medicare health plan offerings were not adequately explained in time for members to make informed decisions by the Oct. 9 enrollment deadline.


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CalPERS Open Enrollment runs Sept. 14 to Oct. 9

Posted Sep 08, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryHealth Care

CalPERS mailed out Health Plan Statements in August to help members review the increases or decreases in their providers’ 2016 rates and determine whether they want to make changes.

The biggest change for many state retirees in 2016 will be the new Medicare Advantage Plan, which was adopted by the CalPERS Board of Administration in an effort to improve member health and wellness, while lowering the costs of member health care.


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Recorded webinar offers information about UnitedHealthcare

Posted Sep 08, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryHealth Care

More than 200 people participated in a webinar with CalPERS and UnitedHealthcare officials Aug. 19 in an effort to answer many of the questions surrounding the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage PPO plan, which becomes the single provider of health services for four of the CalPERS Medicare Advantage plans in 2016.

The plans that will no longer be available to CalPERS Medicare members are Blueshield, Anthem HMO, Health Net and Sharp.

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Agreement could lead the way for retiree health care pre-funding

Posted Sep 02, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryHealth Care categoryRetirement

Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration has reached a tentative deal with a key employee union that would require state engineers to contribute toward their retirement health care benefits, likely establishing a template that will be applied to other state employee unions to help reduce a growing financial liability.

Under the three-year agreement, which still must be ratified by the union’s members and the Democratic-dominated Legislature, the Professional Engineers in California Government in mid-2017 would have to begin paying one-half of 1 percent of their pre-tax salaries into a fund to chip away at the fiscal millstone.


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CalPERS names Doug McKeever as deputy executive officer for benefit programs, policies and planning

Posted Sep 02, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryHealth Care categoryRetirement

 The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) has named Doug McKeever the new Deputy Executive Officer (DEO) for Benefit Programs Policy and Planning.

McKeever, who has [Read More...]

Get to Know the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage PPO Plan

Posted Sep 01, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryHealth Care

This is a video from CalPERS detailing the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage PPO Plan. Read more to view the video at your leasure and learn more about the plan.

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Count the bad ideas in California pension proposal

Posted Aug 21, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryRetirement

Along with taxation and immigration, one political issue that never seems to go away is the cost of public employees, especially their pensions.

Public retirement plans are consistently blamed for local and state budget woes. Any time a community runs into fiscal trouble, its workers are among the first to be demonized, and often bear the brunt of the remedies. After all, pension obligations are typically among the largest liabilities any government entity must bear, so why not hack away?

In California, pension overhaul proposals have become a perennial feature of state and local ballot campaigns. Failed proposals were aimed at the statewide ballot twice in the last four years, and the proponents of the last effort, in 2014, have started the ball rolling for a new measure.



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Attorney General releases summary on Reed initiative

Posted Aug 12, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryPolitics categoryRetirement

Proponents of a California ballot initiative requiring pension changes to go through a public vote on Tuesday rejected Attorney General Kamala Harris’ official description of the measure as an attempt “to try to mislead the public.”

For every ballot measure, the attorney general’s office issues a short name and description to appear on the petitions that backers use to get signatures. Because it is often the entry point for voters to understand what’s in a ballot initiative, the wording carries high stakes.


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Reed/DeMaio initiative threatens the middle class

Posted Jul 27, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryPolitics categoryRetirement

By Dave Low, chair of Californians for Retirement Security

In their never-ending effort to force-feed warmed-over political ideas to a skeptical public, the pension attackers are back, using new poll-tested language and focus-grouped talking points to undermine retirement security for millions of working families.

Under the Orwellian moniker of the “Voter Empowerment Act,” former San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed, former San Diego Councilman Carl DeMaio and their anti-pension cohorts are proposing nothing short of gutting the public employee pension system – one of the last bastions of middle-class economic security.

They are falsely selling their proposed ballot measure as a potential cut in pensions for new employees. In reality, it could cut or eliminate pensions earned by current employees for future work.

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David Crane swings and misses on CalPERS investments

Posted Jul 22, 2015 by    categoryCalPERS categoryRetirees categoryState Economy categoryRetirement categoryState Employees

In an email to journalists and election officials, David Crane arrives at a false conclusion with his claim that CalPERS unfunded actuarial liability (UAL) will continue to grow unless the system achieves a return of at least 9.7%, not the 7.5% CalPERS currently assumes.

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