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Donna Snodgrass for CalPERS board

Posted 13 years 128 days ago ago by   

CSEA Vice President Donna Snodgrass will do the best job representing the interests of state retirees on the CalPERS Board of Administration, the CSEA Retirees Board of Directors decided at its meeting in Burlingame Feb. 11.

“I will make sure the Board of Administration stays grounded. There seems to be a disconnect with the constituency,” said Snodgrass, who recently became a state retiree herself and promptly joined CSEA Retirees’ Chapter 6. “I am already an advocate for retirees and our retirement system. I will remain an advocate. I will take your voice to the board.”

A panel of CSEA retirees in February interviewed all of the eight candidates running for the position that was vacated by Kurato Shimada last year.

Of all the candidates, Snodgrass was the only person who “has been actually doing the work for more than five years.” She regularly attends CalPERS committee and board meetings and often testifies on subjects such as health care, pensions and long-term health care.

She stresses that one of her promises to CalPERS members is that she will not agree to any cost shifting in form of increased co-pays.

“This is a way to undermine the 100/90 formula,” she said. “This has been done with the pretext of reducing premiums. I haven't seen any evidence that premiums were reduced by increasing co-pays.”

Ballots will be mailed April 21 to active and retired CalPERS members. The voting period ends May 19.