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Is your chapter worthy of award for excellence?

Posted 13 years 128 days ago ago by    Each of the 25 chapters within CSEA Retirees, Inc. has different strengths, styles and goals for their chapter members.

But certain standards of excellence are recognized within all chapters throughout California.

The concept of the Distinguished Chapter of the Year was adopted last November by the CSEA Retirees, Inc. Board of Directors. Board members agreed that effective nonprofit organizations recognize the achievements of their members and organizational units. Without recognition, individuals and chapters will not see standards of excellence and thus will not be able to strive toward those goals.

Each year the Board of Directors will award the most distinguished chapter with a banner stand indicating the chapter is the Distinguished Chapter of the Year and a $1,000 academic scholarship, which the chapter can award to a deserving college/university student.

The first Distinguished Chapter of the Year award will be presented at the Delegate Assembly in Orange Aug. 19.

Chapter activities between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011 will be considered for award selection. Candidates’ packets need to be filled out and returned to CSEA Retirees Headquarters in Sacramento by July 1, 2011. Remember to include additional photos and examples that demonstrate how you met the criteria. For additional information, call Terrence Conklin at (916) 326-4265.

Award criteria include:
1. Program effectiveness
2. Membership/recruitment activities
3. Leadership preparation
4. Service to the community
5. CSEA Retirees, Inc. sub-committee participation, where applicable.
6. Administrative effectiveness
7. Fellowship activities
8. Chapter communications