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CalPERS Ambassador Recruitment meeting scheduled for Nov. 4

Posted 12 years 314 days ago ago by    CalPERS, Sept. 9, 2011

On November 4, 2011, the CalPERS Office of Stakeholder Relations will host a second Northern California recruitment meeting to identify CalPERS beneficiaries for the CalPERS Ambassador Program. The November 4 meeting is a repeat of the popular kick-off meeting held in Sacramento on May 26.

If you couldn’t attend the May kick-off, get your reservations in soon for the November 4 event. You can register through email CalPERS_Ambassadors@calpers.ca.gov or by phone (916) 795-9101.

CalPERS Ambassador Program – Recruitment Meeting
Friday, November 4, 2011
9:30 a.m. – 12 noon
CalPERS Headquarters
Lincoln Plaza North, Room 1160

The CalPERS Ambassador Program is designed to better educate our retirees on the current issues regarding pensions and retirement. At this next meeting, you will receive information and communication tools to help you better understand and communicate the facts regarding your retirement.
It’s important to note that the CalPERS Ambassadors will not be paid and they will not be asked to engage in lobbying efforts on behalf of CalPERS.

In addition to what you learn at the kick-off meeting, the CalPERS Ambassadors will receive regular communications and the latest updates from CalPERS to share with their friends and neighbors.

At this second Northern California recruitment meeting, CalPERS beneficiaries will learn about:

Funding Basics—learn about how CalPERS is funded from the CalPERS Chief Actuary, Alan Milligan

Identifying Fact from Fiction—learn about reliable sources of information regarding pensions and how to sort the fact from fiction in the media. Presented by Ken Nitschke, Acting Chief, Retirement Research and Planning Division

Communicating with Your Community—get tips on social media from the CalPERS Chief of Public Affairs, Brad Pacheco

After the meeting you will have a chance to network with the CalPERS staff and other retiree ambassadors.

Please RSVP to CalPERS_Ambassadors@calpers.ca.gov or by calling (916) 795-9101.