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Medicare Changes ID Cards to Prevent Fraud

Posted 6 years 124 days ago ago by Jamee V   

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is taking a major step to help people with Medicare protect their identities from theft and fraud. CMS is removing Social Security numbers from current Medicare ID cards and replacing them with a unique Medicare number that does not contain a Social Security number. 

An increasing number of people age 65 and older are falling victim to identity theft crimes in the U.S. Using a stolen Social Security number is one of the easiest ways a criminal can steal a person’s identity and commit fraud. Congress required CMS to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. 

CMS will begin mailing new Medicare cards without Social Security numbers in April 2018. The agency will complete the switch from the outdated version to the newer Medicare cards in April 2019. If you are new to Medicare as of April 2018, you will only receive the new Medicare card.

CalPERS Medicare retirees won’t have to take any action. CMS will provide CalPERS with your new Medicare number. 

Are you a Medicare-eligible member receiving retirement health benefits and not enrolled in a CalPERS Medicare health benefit plan? If so, you will need to enroll in a CalPERS Medicare health benefits plan to continue your health coverage through the CalPERS Health Program.

For more information about the Medicare ID card changes, you can visit www.medicare.gov

For more information about CalPERS Medicare health benefit plans, you can visit www.calpers.ca.gov.