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CalPERS Dependent Eligibility Verification deadline nears

Posted 10 years 73 days ago ago by   

About 40,000 CalPERS state retiree members were asked in December 2013 to verify whether their dependents are eligible to receive CalPERS health care benefits, but about 3,400 dependents remained unverified by May 1 even after several notifications, CalPERS reported May 6.

Although April 30, 2014 was the scheduled final day to submit the verifications, CalPERS says there is still time for members to take action to ensure that their dependents are not incorrectly disenrolled from health benefits. Members should immediately submit their dependent verification documents to CalPERS at the following address:

CalPERS Health Account Services
P.O. Box 942715
Sacramento, CA 94229-2715

Members with questions, should call (888) CalPERS or (888) 225-7377 for the quickest possible resolution.

Dependents who remain unverified are subject to be disenrolled from their health plan effective June 1, 2014. If CalPERS does not receive the documents and the dependents are disenrolled, the member can still submit the documents after the fact and CalPERS will review them and either rescind the transaction or reinstate the dependent once the documents are approved.

The Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV) Project is an effort to control health care costs by ensuring that only eligible dependents are covered. CalPERS’ aim is to keep costs as low as possible, while promoting long-term sustainability of health benefits for all members.