News Archives

Supreme Court to consider CalPERS case against Lehman Bros.

Posted Jan 17, 2017 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed Friday to consider reviving an attempt by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System to recover some of the $300 million it lost when the Lehman Brothers investment bank collapsed in 2008.

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CalPERS CEO Marcie Frost has authored an op-ed piece responding in part to the recent criticism around the discount rate action

Posted Jan 09, 2017 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

CalPERS' Action on Discount Rate was a Prudent, Smart Decision

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Attention Members: The OptumRx website is experiencing technical difficulties

Posted Jan 05, 2017 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

Please review the message below from CalPERS in regards to the issue with OptumRX.

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California to Pay Billions More After CalPERS Cuts Assumed Rate

Posted Jan 03, 2017 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

Sacramento, CA - California will be forced to pay billions more in pension contributions for government employees after the state retirement system’s decision to lower its assumed rate of return.

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CalPERS to Lower Discount Rate to Seven Percent Over the Next Three Years

Posted Dec 21, 2016 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

Sacramento, CA – The California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) Board of Administration today voted to lower the discount rate from 7.5 percent to 7.0 percent over the next three years. This incremental lowering of the discount rate will give employers more time to prepare for the changes in contribution costs.

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CalPERS once kicked the tobacco habit. Now it’s reconsidering

Posted Dec 16, 2016 by Jamee V    categoryRetirees

The ongoing battle between CalPERS investing in the Tobacco industry has come to fruition this week as CalPERS is reopening a decade-long discussion about reinvesting in Tobacco after a 16-year ban. 

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CalPERS Knocked for Missing Wells Fargo Warning Signs

Posted Dec 09, 2016 by CSR Website Administrator    categoryRetirees

Sacramento, CA - By Chris Reed

Critics of Wells Fargo’s scandal are raising questions about why the California Public [Read More...]

CalPERS to offer Diabetes Prevention Program Starting Jan 1, 2017

Posted Nov 22, 2016 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

Beginning January 1, 2017, all CalPERS health plans will offer a diabetes prevention program (DPP) at no cost to eligible members. Check it out!

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With investments soft, CalPERS eyes higher contribution rates. What does that mean for workers?

Posted Nov 22, 2016 by Jamee V    categoryCalPERS

CalPERS is preparing more pension rate hikes, and they could cost government agencies billions of dollars.

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Yes on Prop 61 Rally

Posted Nov 02, 2016 by Jamee V    categoryLegislation

Yes on Prop 61 Rally with Bernie Sanders takes place Monday, November 7th on the west steps of the Capitol. CSR will be in attendance. Please join us!

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