Political News

Update: Third District Court of Appeal rejected Transparent California’s effort to reverse the Sacramento Superior Court’s ruling

Posted 3 years 182 days ago ago by Jamee Villa   

On Monday, the Third District Court of Appeal rejected Transparent California’s effort to reverse the Sacramento Superior Court’s ruling that CalPERS could withhold records identifying which of its retirees are disabled.

This is a major win for CalPERS retirees and for all public sector employees.  

The rejection by the Court of Appeal leaves standing the Superior Court’s decision that in response to a California Public Records Act (CPRA) request, CalPERS correctly refused to disclose documents identifying which individual retirees are service retirees, which are disability retirees, and which are industrial disability retirees.   

The Court of Appeal denied Transparent California’s request for permission to file an extraordinary writ and dismissed its appeal, ending the saga that began several years ago with Transparent California’s original CPRA request.   

CalPERS Pension Buck