Political News

CalPERS Ambassador Program is Coming to Southern California

Posted 13 years 34 days ago ago by   
All CalPERS retirees are invited to participate in CalPERS Ambassador Program at the El Dorado Park Senior Center in Long Beach Sept. 27.

The volunteer Ambassadors will receive education, training and communications so they can better understand, and in turn better communicate, the facts about their retirement benefits. Ambassadors will come together for an initial training and then receive timely facts and outreach ideas via e-mail.

The CalPERS Ambassadors will not be paid and will not be asked to engage in lobbying efforts on behalf of CalPERS.

The Southern California kick-off meeting for the CalPERS Ambassador Program will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at the El Dorado Park Senior Center, 7800 Studebaker Road in Long Beach.

Please RSVP by sending an e-mail to CalPERS_Ambassadors@calpers.ca.gov or calling (916) 795-9101.

CalPERS Pension Buck