Political News

 CalPERS is changing the way 470,000 retirees receive their direct deposit receipts

Posted 7 years 90 days ago ago by Jamee V   

Sacramento, CA - CalPERS is changing the way 470,000 retirees receive their direct deposit receipts. In March, CalPERS announced that beginning July 1, retirees will no longer automatically receive their direct deposit statement in the mail – unless they specifically request to continue receiving them. On Monday, April 17, CalPERS mailed notifications to the 470,000 affected retirees, which explains the change and instructs retirees to fill out and return a postcard if they want to continue receiving the information by mail. Retirees must return the mailed postcard to CalPERS by June 1, 2017, to continue receiving direct deposit statement in the mail. However, If you miss the deadline, Members may call (888) CALPERS or (888) 225-7377 and request to continue receiving by mail.  

Please note: the statements are already available to members who use their my|CalPERS accounts at my.calpers. ca.gov Those who don’t currently have an account can use the same address and follow the instructions to sign up. 

To read the complete story, click here (Page 1 & 7 of the Calfornia State Retiree)

Sample Mailer from CalPERS


CalPERS Pension Buck