Political News

2017 CSR Board Election Schedule | Districts A, B, C

Posted 7 years 272 days ago ago by Jamee V   

Sacramento, CA - Do you want to serve on the CSR Board of Directors? If so, now is the time! CSR has officially launched the 2017 Board Election Schedule for Districts A, B & C.

  • District A Representative – Chapters 4, 9 & 20
  • District B Representative – Chapters 10, 26, 31 & 36
  • District C Representative – Chapters 1, 3, 21 & 23

Please read the information below. If you have any questions, please contact CSR HQ at 916.326.4292

2017 Board Election Schedule – Districts A, B & C

Oct. 2016.......... A blank Candidate Consent Form will be printed in the California State Retiree newspaper. This allows sufficient time for the signed form to be returned to the corporate office by November 15th. Candidates may also submit a brief 200-word statement regarding their qualifications. The Election Coordinator reserves the right to disallow any statement material that is considered inaccurate.

Nov. 15............. Deadline for candidates to submit their signed Candidate Consent Form and 200-word candidate statement to the corporate office. The Candidate Consent Form and statement must be in the corporate office by 5 p.m.

Dec. 1............... Deadline for the corporate office to mail ballots non-profit to members with an address within the state and first-class mail to all others.

Jan. 2, 2017...... Deadline for return of ballots. Ballots must be received at the corporate office by 5 p.m.

Jan. 10.............. Deadline for corporate office to send the election results to each candidate. 

Jan. 20.............. Election protest deadline. Protest must be in writing and postmarked or received at the corporate office by 5 p.m.

Feb. 2017 ......... Election results will be printed in the California State Retiree newspaper.

District A-elect, District B-elect and District C-elect shall be installed at the first regularly scheduled Board meeting following the election


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