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Recorded webinar offers information about UnitedHealthcare

Posted 8 years 313 days ago ago by   


More than 200 people participated in a webinar with CalPERS and UnitedHealthcare officials Aug. 19 in an effort to answer many of the questions surrounding the UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage PPO plan, which becomes the single provider of health services for four of the CalPERS Medicare Advantage plans in 2016.

The plans that will no longer be available to CalPERS Medicare members are Blueshield, Anthem HMO, Health Net and Sharp.

The webinar can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKxRLe10MzQ

Some frequently asked questions are:

1. How do I find out if UHC has my provider in their Medicare Advantage provider network and their Basic plan network?

Please contact UHC Medicare Advantage PPO toll-free at (888) 867-5581. Please contact UHC Basic Plan at (877) 359-3714.

2.  What is UHC doing to ensure providers understand how their new plan works?

     UHC is conducting an outreach campaign to educate in-network and out-of-network providers to ensure they recognize how UHC’s Group Medicare Advantage PPO Plan works, how to remit information for timely payment of claims, and to address any questions. By Aug. 28, nearly 20,000 providers will have been reached via this campaign.

3. What is a combination or combo plan?

This refers to a household where the CalPERS member/dependent is in a Medicare plan, and another member/dependent is enrolled in a Basic plan.

4. How many subscribers are in combination plans that will be impacted by Medicare changes in 2016?

Approximately 1,500 subscribers with members/dependents in both a Medicare and Basic plan live in service areas where UHC does not offer a Basic health plan.

5. What advice is being provided to these 1,500 subscribers?

Combination plan members impacted by Medicare changes received a letter in August advising them of 2016 CalPERS Medicare plan changes and providing them with two options. Option 1 allows them to be enrolled in PERS Choice PPO, with no action needed on their part. Option 2 allows them to select a different health plan during Open Enrollment.

Combination plan members received the same information, along with instructions about how to select a plan other than PERS Choice, in their Open Enrollment packets mailed Aug. 17 or Aug. 24.


6. What are some of the value-added features offered by UHC?

    1. Free membership in the SilverSneakers Fitness Program, which has more than 11,000 participating fitness centers. (Find the nearest location at www.silversneakers.com)

    2. A free home health assessment program, which is especially important to chronically ill people and those who have difficulty accessing the care they need

  3. Significant savings of more than $4,000 for Medicare eligible retirees needing hearing aids and a $500 hearing aid allowance benefit

More information on UHC’s Medicare plan is available at https://www.uhcretiree.com/calpers/home.html Information on UHC’s Basic plan is found at http://calpers.welcometouhc.com

CalPERS Pension Buck